know or knows
What did i tell You?
Are you Ready? Yes, I'm ready - Yes, i am
No, I'm not - No I'm not Ready
it's not fair
Flipped teaching is the process of moving lecture content from face-to-face class time to before class by assigning it as homework. This allows for more interactive forms of learning to take place during class. Flipped teaching often involves students watching lecture videos as homework.
: this can follow a receptive skills lesson in the follow up stages but it can also stand alone.
Lead-in to set context
Elicit/intro language necessary for task
Focus on model of text type
Brainstorming / planning
Writing task
Editing/Error correction
Words is what a language is made of.
what other words they like to be with.
It may be true that without grammatical competence it is difficult to organise language effectively,
but without being able to use a wide range of different words there is nothing there, except empty structures.
But vocabulary is more than merely lists.
Chunks are group of words which are used together.Learning chunks helps to frame the sentences easily and correctly.Knowing chunks of a language is a must for fluent speaking.
When you know chunks of a language,you can frame the sentence with group of words and need not struggle to build the sentence word by word.